It’s National Women’s Health Week and it’s time to focus on better health moving forward. Women are unique, and your health needs are too – make yourself a priority this week.
How can you improve your health this week?
Boots Were Made for Walking
Let’s start with the obvious (but not the easy) – physical exercise! Pushing your body physically is necessary to maintain good health. Whether it’s walking your dog or mountain biking, getting your heart rate up with consistent exercise will dramatically improve your body weight, heart health, muscle tone, and energy levels.
Get Your Greens
If we beg our kids to eat their greens, we probably should too. Maintaining a well-balanced, nutritious diet will give your body the fuel it needs to power through the day as well as avoid a slew of health issues that come with poor diet such as, obesity, diabetes, and IBS. Not only is it important to consider what you eat for better health, but you should also avoid any harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
Mental Break
Health isn’t just physical. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Let’s face it, if you don’t have the necessary mental strength, it’ll be hard to push it through your workout, a busy day with kids, or even a night out with friends. Find ways to manage stress and anxiety such as stretching to calm music, meditating, or going for a walk on a local trail. Finding ways to connect with those you love, such as family members and friends is essential.
Pillow Talk
Along with mental health, allowing yourself to rest is extremely important to your overall wellbeing. Be sure to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep minimum. As hectic as schedules can become, try to follow a sleep routine (even on weekends) so your body can naturally fall asleep and wake up. Tip? Don’t spend time scrolling on your phone. The blue light of your screen will leave you wired and make it difficult to fall asleep.
Phone Your Provider
Have health concerns? Be sure you have access to your healthcare provider to address any current health concerns and/or conditions.
Have questions about care or coverage? Call us today! 844-234-4472