Creatively Solving the High Cost of Healthcare
Creatively Solving the High Cost of Healthcare
Get Motivated
Fed up with the high costs of healthcare? So are we. To solve it, we’ve partnered with DPS as well as Town & Country, Centura Health, and Children’s Hospital Colorado Networks to provide you with access to the best care at the best price. MotivHealth has been successfully lowering the costs of healthcare for thousands of members since 2015.
Why Choose MotivHealth?
The MotivHealth formula provides better benefits with sustainable pricing.
Lowest Cost Option
MotivHealth is proud to partner with DPS to offer you the lowest-priced option with monthly premiums priced significantly lower compared to Kaiser and Aetna.
Tired of being put on hold? At MotivHealth, we’re here for you when you need it most. Call us, and speak to a live customer service agent in seconds.
We help you take control of your healthcare. At MotivHealth, we offer unique tools and programs that help you lower or even eliminate out-of-pocket costs.
Take The Next Step
We provide our members with unique tools and resources, such as knowledgable support team and innovative, cost-saving member programs, that allow them to better take charge of their healthcare.
Have questions or simply want to learn more? We invite you to contact MotivHealth by calling the DPS hotline: 800-392-7786 to speak with our live customer support team.
Engaging with us is the best way to maximize the unique tools and solutions MotivHealth has to offer. For questions or assistance finding care, please contact the dedicated DPS hotline: 800-392-7786
Know Your Benefits
With MotivHealth you enjoy cost-saving prescription assistance and diabetic programs, comprehensive customer support, a price transparency tool to get the best care at the best price, 24/7 telehealth access via HealthiestYou, convenient Rx home delivery, via WellDyne Rx, and out-of-state benefits via the FirstHealth Network.
High-Cost Prescriptions?
If you or a covered dependent is taking a medication, including insulin, that costs more than $200 per month, we should be able to help lower or eliminate your out-of-pocket prescription costs.
Best Care, Best Price
Have an upcoming procedure? Call us! MotivHealth partners with providers and facilities to get you the best care at the best price. We can even help you set up an appointment.
Our Network
We’ve partnered with DPS as well as Town & Country and Centura Health and Children’s Hospital Colorado Networks to provide access to more than 2,300 providers throughout Colorado. We also offer out-of-state coverage via the FirstHealth Network.

Add Us On Speed Dial
DPS Hotline:
(800) 392-7786
Customer Service:
(844) 234-4472
Success with MotivHealth starts by engaging with us. Our team is here to ensure you maximize your MotivHealth benefits and get the best care at the best price.
...and, did we say that you'll save money?
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find out if a provider is in my plan?
You can search for providers using the Provider Search Tool available in your member portal.
How can I find out if my preferred pharmacy is in network with MotivHealth?
To verify the network status of a desired pharmacy, please contact MotivHealth via the DPS Hotline at 800-392-7786.
Do I need a referral to see a specialist?
No, a referral is not needed as long as the specialist is in-network. To verify the network status of a desired specialist, please contact MotivHealth via the DPS Hotline at 800-392-7786.
What does embedded vs. non-embedded mean in reference to deductibles?
Embedded: Each individual has their own deductible. When any one person reaches their individual deductible, the plan begins paying coinsurance for that individual.
Non-Embedded: You do not have individual deductibles. Co-insurance begins when the combined family medical costs reach the family deductible.
How can I find out if a procedure is covered?
You can simply call the DPS Hotline at 800-392-7786, and ask if a procedure is covered.
I have a pending procedure. What should I do?
If you have an upcoming procedure, please call the DPS Hotline at 800-392-7786 and we can help you find the best care at the best price and even schedule your appointment for you.
Is there access to telehealth services?
Yes, employees will have 24/7 access to telehealth services through HealthiestYou.
How do I know if my medication qualifies for assistance?
If you are taking a medication that costs $200 or more a month, including insulin, we may be able to help lower or eliminate out-of-pocket costs. Call our prescription assistance team at 385-247-1030 to see how much you can save.
If I have a dependent outside of Colorado, are they covered?
Yes, eligible dependents will have access to coverage outside of Colorado via the First Health network.
What networks are offered through MotivHealth?
Within the state of Colorado, providers will be accessed through the Town & Country and Centura Health and Children’s Hospital Colorado Networks.
Outside of Colorado, they will have access to the First Health Network.
Do providers need to call for pre-authorization for in or out-patient procedures with MotivHealth?
Yes, like all health insurance companies, MotivHealth will require that your referring physician seek prior authorization for all covered medical benefits.
Download Materials

National Nutrition Month
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MotivHealth Insurance Expands into Texas and Indiana
MotivHealth Insurance Company, a leader in patient-centric healthcare solutions, is proud to announce its expansion into Texas and Indiana. With this growth, MotivHealth will be offering Administrative Services Only (ASO) solutions to employers in both states, furthering its mission to provide sustainable, cost-saving healthcare options.
Heart-Healthy Desserts
In honor of National Heart Health Month, check out these heart-healthy dessert recipes. Indulge your sweet tooth without guilt!
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